En blog om bolig, mode og livet som udenlandsdansker..

torsdag, september 04, 2014

I did it!

Oh yes I did.. I am now a qualified hairdresser, and I seriously can't describe how amazing that feels! Wuuhuu.. :-) 

It's been really hard and difficult at times, but I believe that hard work pays off! I could not have done this without my amazing hubby, family and friends.. So to those who are reading this, Thank you so much for your support and for believing in me! It means a lot to me.

I came to Dubai 3 years ago, and I had nothing to do apart from supporting my husband and settle down in our new adventure. It wasn't always easy, and I'm sure every expat or housewife knows what I'm talking about.. But hey that's life and I've learned so much from the past. I did enjoy my days as a housewife, don't get me wrong, but I feel so much better now. This is more me! I come from a country where almost every single woman has a career and a great job. I was brought up with that, and therefore I didn't feel comfortable by "just staying at home" and do nothing. Some people love that, and for some nationalities it's normal but I enjoy having that feeling of "Yay it's the weekend" back again.. 

I'm proud of myself for finally getting an education that's got nothing to do with aviation, (even though I miss it) and being able to take care of myself in this amazing and expensive city. I Iove Dubai and cannot wait to see what the future has got for me out here! Now I can relax and throw all my books away, and enjoy some time off before I start my new job! I'm so excited! 

Oh, and the beautiful Marc by Marc Jacobs watch on the picture, it's a "Congrats on your new career and job" pressie from my better half! I'm such a lucky woman :-) 

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