En blog om bolig, mode og livet som udenlandsdansker..

tirsdag, september 02, 2014

B-day dinner!

Oh dear... I almost forgot to blog about my b-day dinner.. Shame on me! 

It was my bday a week ago, and therefore my better half decided to surprise me with a lovely underwater dinner at a restaurant called ''Ossiano'' on Atlantis the palm, and I absolutely loved it!
Such a great and amazing experience.. 

Ossiano is a seafood restaurant, and after having a good chat, and listening to the waiters good advise, we decided to share a mixed seafood platter with king prawns, scallops, salmon, codfish and crab combined with the most delicious asparagus risotto and fried vegetables. The food was so delicious, I could hardly stop eating. 

I could not believe my eyes when I walked in. Such a beautiful restaurant, with the biggest aquarium I have ever seen in my life. It was so romantic, and I really enjoyed having dinner next to all the beautiful fish and my hubby, even though I kinda found it a bit weird to start with. We where even making fun of it, and asked the waiter if we could choose our own fish.. He just laughed and looked at us like we where crazy! haha.. ;-) 

After enjoying our dinner and some cold wine, i was surprised by the staff with a tasty chocolate and passionfruit bday cake. It was so yummy, and very sweet of them too. I had an amazing evening, and I will definitely visit the restaurant again. 

I guess it wasnt that bad turning 26 after all! ;-)


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