En blog om bolig, mode og livet som udenlandsdansker..

onsdag, september 10, 2014

What to do..

I haven't even started my new job yet, and I'm already thinking about where to go on holiday next... #shameonme!

I really need some quality time off with my better half, and therefore we are already thinking about where to go next. We both love traveling, and it's kinda important to us having the opportunity and being able to go away atleast a few times a year. 

I really enjoyed our roadtrip in the US two years ago, and would definitely love to go back and do it all over again. We had such a great time, and I really loved the fact that we could just do whatever we wanted to every single day. We had nothing planned, apart from shopping ofcourse, but that was it.. Amazing! This time we are thinking of going to Australia. I've never been, but my hubby keeps telling me he wants to show me so many nice places and now I really want to go! I would love to do a roadtrip again but can't decide if I wanna go back to the US, or try something new and enjoy some sightseeing down under... Hmm! Decisions, decisions... :-) 

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