En blog om bolig, mode og livet som udenlandsdansker..

torsdag, august 07, 2014

Shopping day and cheesecake!

Today's been a hectic day at work so my friend and I decided to treat each other with some shopping and a delicious piece of cake, from The Cheesecake Factory.. Yum! They are sooooo delicious! I felt quite sick after eating all that sugar, but I deserved that today.. And it's my bday month, so I'm allowed to eat cake! ;-) 

Next week I'm off home for a wedding and I cannot wait. I love weddings, (who doesn't) and I'm doing the brides hair which im very excited about. Woohoo.. After that, it's time to celebrate my bday and that I'm also very, very excited about! I was lucky enough to find my bday outfit today, so now all we have to do is party.. Girls just wann have fun right? ;-) 

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