En blog om bolig, mode og livet som udenlandsdansker..

torsdag, november 20, 2014

Peek a boo..

Wow.. What did I actually do with my life before I had a job? I sound so serious now, but I've been so busy lately and not even had time to sit down and spoil myself! I feels good to be back on track though, and I'm loving my life and new job at the moment :-) 

My friend Tina arrived Tuesday night and another friend arrives tonight, so my house is gonna be an absolute mess the next two weeks. I'm loving it though, and I cannot wait to have a ladies night out tomo. I really need it after a hectic week! I bet my better half is dying with 3 ladies in the house, but we are spoiling him everyday so he can't really complain if you ask me! ;-) 

The winter is finally here too, and xmas is only a month away. Yay! I have so many things to look forward too. Life's good :-) 

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